Message from the organising committee presidents

Dear Friends, Dear SFA Members, Dear Congress attendees,

The Congress of the French Society of Arthroscopy in Toulouse is coming…. We will thus meet you indeed from December 8th to 10th for 2 days and a half of scientific and human exchanges.

This congress will be “great”! Back to France after the successful Geneva Congress despite the difficult health context. On next December, we will be “free”, hopefully.

You will be able to enjoy our beautiful “pink city”, between glass and steel at the MEET Convention Center during the day to share arthroscopic science, and in the evenings in between pink bricks for the most beautiful cheerfulness.

The scientific program will be “great”! It was prepared by the SFA scientific secretaries and the very involved local scientific committee. It will be of very high quality, like the research and industry in Toulouse: space, aeronautics, artificial intelligence, autonomous mobility, biotechnologies…. Innovation will be the leitmotiv of the congress. Maurice Sylvestre, our Honorary Guest, partly responsible for the Mars exploration program with the Curiosity robot, will lift the veil on this world of tomorrow. Several “Guest Stars” will accompany our intellectual curiosity with very beautiful conferences. The three symposia will be acute, scientific and effective in helping us to progress on the management of the long biceps in rotator cuff pathology, meniscus repairs on stable knee and hip impingement. All the usual sessions of our congress, which make “we never get bored at the SFA”, will be there. You may only be frustrated not to be able to attend all the sessions of all the different rooms! And it will be a pleasure to move from one to the other through illuminated halls and corridors. Visiting our partners will be a pleasure with this nice feeling of space and clarity of modern architecture. Strolling through this convention center will be an opportunity for rich encounters.

A SFA Congress in Toulouse cannot happen without talking about Rugby ! On Friday 9th of December, the Sports Day dedicated to Rugby and organized together with SFA sport / SFTS / FFR will gather surgeons, sports doctors and physiotherapists around health in the most beautiful of the sports. On the agenda: prevention, concussion, spine, women’s rugby, shoulder pathology… renowned players and coaches will also share their experiences.

A Congress in Toulouse cannot be held without enjoying our beautiful city with its southern accents between bricks and fountains, many large and small charming squares, cafes and restaurants inviting you to delicious evenings… The Congress will also include the SFA party within the beautiful markets of Toulouse to savor all the specialties of the region… foie gras included!

We will therefore be expecting many of you to share what will remain a “Great Congress”.

With our kindest Arthroscopic regards!

Jean-François POTEL

Olivier MAY

Présidents du Congrès SFA 2022


Vincent PINEAU